Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The End of The Wonderfool Journey

Masih in moment ni!!! kanasai betul. After having gathered for the last time, we were like having examinations, rushing to finish up the last couple of questions before time's up. hehe.. Rushing for dinner of course. On another hand it felt like we were graduating from high school where we write messages for friends that we may or will lost in contact. Bermacam-macam feelings running around that time. Want to eat also so susah. :P

So officially today is the last day of us gathering for us. We will not know when what how why will ever bring us together again. Feeling now like one part is cry, bercrying, mengcryingkan, dicrykan and another part is happy, so happy, menghappy, terhappy, memperhappykan, sedang diperhappykan. 

Now after reading all the messages from the team, i wanted to blog about it and here i'm stucked writing rubbish.!! 

"8th July 2009 was the day the AWLYMPIC committee met for the 1st time. 4months later, it is coming to a completion... Haven't we had lots of fun together, taking on each other, and very much united as a team? The Finale tomorrow is really about this: UNITY!! Let our team show to them what UNITY is! As they look back on the month of OCT 2009, they will remember what they went through, how they showed up... And they will laugh at themselves, and learn from it! :)
Overall, it has been a very fullfilling and enriching journey, But i still have one little unfinished vision, and that is to have my entire team taking a photo together in that beautiful shirt.. 
It will happen! I say so!" - [October 31st, 2009]

Guess what?!!? We had the full team taking a team photo on the FINALE because he say so! 

"As i recall, i enjoyed each of the meetings i have had with the Team and i always look forward to the next.. Today, i took some time to recollect the learnings for me since we started.
I learnt to trust and allowing the team to take charge. I learnt to let go and have fun, and things don't need to be so serious all the time. I learnt to empower, be compassionate and that everyone is equal. And i learnt to learn too.
I trust  that you're having as much fun and learnings as i am. As you look back, what have you discovered so far? Mind to share? Have a great day ahead! Cheers!" - [Sept 9th, 2009. 7++ in the morning!!]

What i learned during this journey is that how to take responsibility with action. When i take up the challenge to be in the team i never thought about being a taker. All i know was it is a good time for me to contribute. Surely i made some mistakes in between this journey. When mistakes are done, i learned how to reflect and make the next best possible choice and being aware of the mistake that i done, laugh at myself and step to the left and move on. There's no need to share or explain when one does not want to hear what's the next action to do if one doesn't want to hear. Facing up and owning to it, handle it and it's man of honour. 

I learned that i can do focus out and support others when the team needs me. Meaning to say am i a bloody supporter?? gosh!!! Taking swift actions without waiting for people's instruction is the best bet to make the team easy so that rancangan yang tergendala also can untergendalakan and make it run smoothly. Even though i had breakdowns in between the journey, he told me that breakdown is just a condition. Don't use that as an excuse of how i show up. That's true. 

Oh ya, one thing though. Always remember there's no HOPE!! as Hope is a creation by ourself. I'm ever ready since i made and aware of the mistakes i've done. I'm hungry for more!! 

"Sapa tak join AWLYMPIC, RUGI!!!" -[ Tati LP76 Oct 19th, 2009]

That's true!! They'll rugi lor cause even the committee had berlambak-lambak of funs!!  We made them saying this...

"You made this happened! Together WE are ONE!" -[YK LP119 Nov 2nd, 2009] 

"I would like to congratulate all of you for organizing successfully such an awesome event. First ever in Asiaworks, the AWLYMPIC. I can imagine the fun you guys had organizing it, which came along with all the heartache, pain, sweat, and tears. I must say i truly enjoyed every bit of the event that took place. I have benefited very much from it due to the perfect timing of all the events which was held after Hari Raya. Normally, every year, for the whole month of Hari Raya, we would be going to one open house after another; eating, eating, eating and gaining weight, and ended up being grungiee!!! But this year, because of the AWLYMPIC, the focus was shifted. Tournaments every weekend, busy keeping myself healthy and fit. Not to mention, the trainings on weekdays too!!
But what's more important is to see so many people (GLP, non GLP, family members, import atheletes, children) coming together, joining hands, participating in events, Cheering one another, dancing, laughing, screaming, having lots of fun and making thing happen. My relationship with my brother is taken to another level. My relationship with my whole family has turned a new leaf because of the AWLYMPIC.
I simply don't know how to express my gratitude towards Matt and the entire committee members and making this happen. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Ching Ching, you gave a wonderful speech yesterday during the closing which really melted my heart. I feel tears starting to fill up the corners of my eyes as i write this.
You guys are amazing!
"YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN AND I LOVE YOU!!!"...." -[Iliza LP78 Nov 2nd, 2009]

"Kudos to the entire Committe and Chairman of the AWLYMPIC 2009. It was a HUGE success. GLPs from all over converging again to participate, rekindle and keeping the LP spirit..... and having lots of fun along the way. Even my family enjoyed it. True, we made it happen, but you guys made the stand to make it happen. SALUTE!!!! To all GLPs and current LPs thank you again for the wonderful time. I give my heart to you guys. Hip Hip Hooray!" -[Choo Chee Yuen LP108 Nov 2nd, 2009]

Well these are only just a few messages that we've got. There's alot more. I never knew with such a great team with ever so committed to giving it out the result can touch alot of people. It's truly amazing. If only this world is so ever committed like this. HhhhMmmMmmm.....

Oh yaaa... I did not even thought that i have alot of same messages that i speak with my lungs. hahaha.. and also being so supportive and jumping in. I did not know how i managed to do it and i just go for it. To my teams that is infect with full of lung languages, thank you for supporting me me having me show up during this wonderful journey of 4 freaking months!! You guys gave me the permission to be myself and contribute. Never given up on me and giving the trust on me. I know it's kolot lar! but What The Fark right?!?!?!

I tiau u....We'll be black~~~